Monday, June 21, 2004


Agnes & Benoit got married!

First episode of this log-book takes place in Chateau-Thierry/France in the city-hall where both Agnes and Benoit sayed yes on last saturday at 16h00. All the best to them!

I take the opportunity of this short stay in France to dig in my archives and open this dialog to share with you feelings, surprises, discoveries from India where I landed for a long period this year on May 10th. Since that time the experience accumulation process has started and I can't keep anymore all I saw for me.
This tool - already used by a certain Benoit M (another Benoit...) during his trip through South-America (website name available on request) - seems to be the best way to share a maximum of stories with a maximum of close people.

French or english? Accuracy but restricted area of readers or jam-language and wide access (in fact also restrictive to some friends)? Answer could be neither/nor, so polish! or german!
Or permanent switch between english and french every second day. I will start in english and we will see...

someone was spontaneous
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