Sunday, November 14, 2004


Tiny sunday blog...

This morning as I woke up I listed mentaly the heavy program for the day :
1) Go to the fisherman's village in Kovalam
2) Experience "ayurvedic" massage.
The first will be commented later.
The second was really enjoyable : one hour lying like a lazy veal on a table and beeing pressed and extented in all directions by somebody's palms (& even later elbow...) using sesame's oil as lubrificant. Half an hour after the massage finished, go directly to the sea for a bath. That's it. Next time I will try with coconut oil...

I saw that a rival (but "lost...") blog published recently a complicated pumpkin recepie. I give you a simple one to be tried by next opportunity : the "pumpkin beer soup". It was improvised during this year's Halloween and approved by experts from New Foundland and other canadian states. All you need is :
-sliced punpkin wastes (eyes, nose, top & mouth carved out of your magic pumpkin)
-1/4 bottle of indian Kingfisher beer (or equivalent)
Put everything together on a gas cooker, let the pumpkin melt...diner is ready!

Western movies seen from Indian drivers : most famous actors : "Arnold" and "Sylvester" - as they call them here. One of the most famous heroe is called "not-not-seven" : did you recognized him?

u mean love-love-seven )
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